Solidwool Composite

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A novel composite material called Solidwool is created by combining wool with bio-resin. Imagine fiberglass mixed with wool.

The value of highland sheep has drastically decreased in the last few years. Once a valuable byproduct of sheep farming, this wool had become rare and nearly unusable after being utilized in the UK carpet business.

The resins that are currently in use to transform wool into Solidwool are categorized as bio-resins. They contain half of their renewable bio-based content from waste streams from other industrial operations, like the manufacturing of wood pulp and biofuel. Compared to conventional resins, the ecologically conscious resin maker promises a 33% decrease in carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions during manufacturing.  

It is a strong, unique and beautifully crafted material. Each sheet displays its own subtle differences and characteristics within the structure of this beautiful wool composite.

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