Tag: 3D Printed

3D Printed Oyster Shell

Related Post: Zebra Glass 3D printing biopolymers can enable a circular economy.  3D Printed Oyster Shell biomaterial by Jasper Middendorp uses recipe comprised of a blend of oyster shell powder, alginate

3D Printed Circular Orange Peel Lamp

Related Post: 3D Printed Metal Space Fabric / High Definition 3D Printing / 3D Printed Aluminum The Ohmie is a 100% organic and compostable lamp made from Sicilian orange peel by Milan-based Krill Design. The

3D Printed Airless Basketball

Related Post: High Definition 3D Design / 3D Printed Titanium / Woven Details Wilson put out an airless 3D-printed basketball. they were able to create a basketball that didn’t need to be inflated, but still

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