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MycoFlex™ is a non-toxic, vegan foam alternative which biodegrades at end of use – unlike conventional foams. It bends, rebounds and contours to shape. Where as the shape of other applicators is decided, MycoFlex™ can be reformed.

MycoFlex™ foam is hypoallergenic, non-irritanting, non-allergenic and does not contain any additional toxic ingredients, only 100% pure mycelium. After use, material breaks down within months, not years. A truly disposable and compostable product, unlike petroleum-derived options.
Traditional makeup applicators and sponges are made from expanded foam plastic polymers which are marketed as disposable since they are one-time-use products. However, they are plastic-based and do not degrade in any environment.

The open-cell structure of MycoFlex™ allows for air flow and breathe. Mycelium foam is supportive and rebounds following impact. An inherent property of mycelium is its ability to repel water.

Mycelium Materials Europe (in short MME) started in 2018 and is active in the bio-based materials and circular economy. They grow sustainable mycelium materials based on mushroom technology that produces two types of organic materials in their own mushroom farm: MyFoam® (pure mycelium foam) and Mycelium Substrates.
MyFoam® technology offers a supple and foam-like material fully grown from mycelium. MyFoam® can be used to make sustainable leather alternatives and other organic textiles.