Lalique Glass

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The moulding techniques perfected by Rene Lalique still receive particular attention. The factory makes its own moulds, generally in cast iron, in which each detail is sculpted o form an exact reproduction of its creator’s original intention.

The molten crystal is harvested using a blowing iron, which is cleaned to eliminate little bubbles and other parasitic elements, and then placed in the mould. For the Bacchantes vase, shaping is done by pressing. Once the piece has been shaped, it is fired again to stabilize the internal stresses caused by the unequal cooling of the crystal.

Lalique Glass

The molten crystal is harvested using a blowing iron, which is cleaned to eliminate little bubbles and other parasitic elements, and then placed in the mould. For the Bacchantes vase, shaping is done by pressing. Once the piece has been shaped, it is fired again to stabilize the internal stresses caused by the unequal cooling of the crystal.

Lalique Glass

When it comes out of the tunnel lehr, the piece goes through the selection stage. This quality control, the first in a long series, determines whether the piece can be allowed to continue its journey. Cutting and retouching are used to rework the surface and correct any imperfections left by hot working, such a laps, mould match lines, etc.

In order to eliminate all traces of tools, the vase is immersed in a first acid bath. Once again completely transparent, it goes into a second bath which restores the matt appearance so typical of Lalique, which sets Lalique creations apart from all others.

The final stage in the finishing process, polishing gives the material its shine and its full brilliance. Dove with a polishing wheel, it instils light into the piece and accentuates certain contours. The contrast between mast and gloss makes the pieces more alive.

During the manufacturing process, a piece is checked at least ten times and may be discarded for a defect which is sometimes difficult to detect. Only those pieces that satisfy all the selection criteria are entitled to the signature Lalique France, a guarantee authenticity and quality.

Lalique Glass
Lalique Glass

Simplicity, Balance, Symmetry. Renee Lalique exploited this in total freedom, following his inclinations which were more towards elegance than strength, with a constant need to invent.

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