Biodesign – PUMA

Related Post: Sulapac® – Biodegradable Material / ECONYL® – Regenerated Nylon / SEA ME – Sea Algae Yarn


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Biodesign PUMA Automotive Color Trim Material Trends


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Biodesign PUMA Automotive Color Trim Material Trends


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The biologically active Breathing Shoe pushes the boundaries of biofabrication and enables personalized ventilation by growing its own air passageways that keep the foot cool.

The next generation Deep Learning Insoles improve the athlete’s performance through real- time biofeedback. The sole uses organisms to measure long and short-term chemical phenomena that indicate fatigue and well-being.

The microbially-active Carbon Eaters t-shirt responds to environmental factors by changing its appearance and informing the user about air quality.

The research has also looked beyond current wearables and produced biologically programmable materials that change their shape and structure to become new types of alive, biodegradable and Adaptive Packaging.

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