Natural Pigments From Fruits and Vegetables

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KAIKU Living Color is a sustainable alternative to color made from petroleum. The colors in most consumer products are derived from petrochemicals, and as we start to scrutinize everything for its sustainability, pigments are due for change.

Historically color came from plants and minerals, but with the onset of industrialization, cheap petrochemical colors became the norm, at huge environmental cost. To avoid further ecological devastation, KAIKU uses plant waste to create natural powder pigments. Many plants & fruits we eat every day, such as avocados, onions, and oranges, have valuable colors within their skins and peels. Normally these are left to rot in landfills, but KAIKU transforms this waste into a high value resource.

Natural Pigments Fruits Vegetables Automotive Color Trim Trends
Natural Pigments Fruits Vegetables Automotive Color Trim Trends
Natural Pigments Fruits Vegetables Automotive Color Trim Trends
Natural Pigments Fruits Vegetables Automotive Color Trim Trends

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