Jacquard by Google

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For a few years now, Google has been working on Jacquard: weaving new digital experiences into the the things we wear and use every day. Jacquard is the first full-scale digital technology platform created for smart apparel, footwear, and other everyday essentials. brands like Levi’s and Saint Laurent already started to integrate the technology in a few of their pieces.

Using jacquard threads, embedded electronics, and intelligent software to create textiles and materials that can understand our gestures and communicate back using light and haptic feedback. Jacquard threads perform like normal yarn and can be woven into interactive textiles that are indistinguishable from regular textiles.

Technology Woven In Jacquard Google Automotive Color Trim Trends
Technology Woven In Jacquard Google Automotive Color Trim Trends
Technology Woven In Jacquard Google Automotive Color Trim Trends

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